I am doing a preparatory course

You are doing a CPGE (Engineering School Preparatory Course) Your admission to SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM is handled in the framework of INP-CCINP Common Entrance Exam (ex-CCP).

This exam offers a given number of places depending on the course :

  • MP (Maths, Physics): 40 places
  • PSI (Physics, Engineering Sciences): 54 places
  • PT (Physics, Technology): 44 places
  • PC (Physics, Chemistry): 22 places
  • TSI (Technology, Engineering Sciences): 12 places
  • Maths/Physics reorientation exam: 2 places

Total: 174 places for the 2020-21 academic year

Why CCINP in picture

FOLLOW THE LINK TO ENROL : https://www.concours-commun-inp.fr/fr/index.html