POLYMÉCA is a network of French Engineering Schools whose training profile comprises a common foundation in Engineering and Mechanics.
Seven schools !
- l’ISAE-ENSMA à Poitiers,
- SUPMÉCA à Paris,
- l’ENSTA Bretagne à Brest,
- l’ENSCI à Limoges
- l'ENSEIRB-MATMECA à Bordeaux et
- SEATECH à Toulon.
A national network
In order to optimise the training of its mechanical engineers, SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM is a member of the Polyméca network. In partnership with other engineering schools, it favours the sharing of skills for the benefit of its students !
• By entering one of these schools, you will be able to benefit from the advantages offered by the network.
• These seven schools are mechanically focussed, but each one has its own additional specific features, and they have grouped together to offer you a broader choice of 3rd-year options.
• POLYMÉCA trains generalist engineers. The schools in the network come under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and are accredited by the CTI (Engineers Qualification Commission). They recruit most of their students via the Polytechnical Common Entrance Exam, after the engineering schools’ preparatory classes.
The network's initiatives
Creation of a 4-year dual-degree pathway
The engineering students take their first and second years of training in the school in which they have been accepted, and they then have the possibility of doing a second year-two and their year-three in another school in the network. They will then have a degree from both schools and will be able to highlight a broader range of skills.
Pooling of 3rd year options
Each student from a school in the network has the possibility of taking a 3rd-year option in the other schools in the network to train and gain a better knowledge in the corresponding disciplines.
Specific recruitment within the schools
Recruitment procedures have been put in place at ISAE-ENSMA and Supméca, enabling the recruitment of baccalaureate-level students, for a differentiated L cycle (degree) providing access to the schools in the network after L2.
Facilitating international exchanges
The schools in the network all take part in the n+i network and SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM Besançon welcomes foreign students, providing training during the transition semester.
Sectors of activity for the network's engineer
Our young engineers essentially find openings in the transport sector: automotive, aeronautics and space, machines and equipment...
However, the versatility of the training allows them to turn towards a large number of other areas of activity: IT, engineering and consulting, energy and distribution, electronics and telecommunications, bio-medical and instrumentation, not to mention teaching and research.