Continuous training degree courses

Become an engineer with SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM !
It is possible to move your career forwards and develop your professional skills thanks to the continuous training degree courses at SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM. An excellent route for becoming an engineer and opening the way to success.
Accessible training
SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM can help everyone who wants to advance professionally, develop their skills and give a new direction to their career. In order to materialise this project, the School has put a training course in place making it possible to become an engineer in two years, after a preparatory course.
Prospects for the future
SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM trains versatile engineers specialising in mechanics, allowing them to work in a variety of buoyant sectors such as the automotive, aeronautics, biomedical engineering, telecommunications industries, etc.
This training is available for employees and job seekers who have two years’ professional experience and a baccalaureate +2 years qualification (BTS, DUT, DEUG...) in the area of engineering sciences, or an equivalent level obtained through Recognition of Prior Learning..
Enrolment dossier
To gain access to the preparatory course, you must complete a dossier (available at the secretariat of the continuous training department). You must submit this enrolment dossier to SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM before the end of June, and it must describe your academic record and professional experience. The purpose of this document is to enable the School to appreciate your motivation and the coherence of your career path with its specialities. A decision regarding the application will be given before mid-July..
Enrolment dossier to be requested from the secretrariat of the SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM Continuous Training department :
Tél. 03 81 40 27 32
Fax : 03 81 80 98 70
formation.continue [at]