The technological resources proposed by SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM in the area of mechanical micro-manufacturing are unique in the French academic world !
SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM at the cutting edge of mechanical micro-manufacturing
The mechanical micro-manufacturing workshop
Dedicated to teaching and to the students’ projects, this workshop is used for practicals and for making prototypes, in the framework of the partnership platform’s projects or projects for the third-year options.
The projects validated by the supervisor are carried out by the students with the support of an assistant-engineer and a technician.
The S.mart cluster
The "Systems Manufacturing. Academics Resources Technologies" (S.mart) cluster pools the skills and resources in the areas of integrated mechanical and robotics design at the service of teaching, research and industry. The Besançon site has rapid prototyping and robotics facilities in particular.
Once validated by the supervisor the projects are carried out by the students with the assistance of a design engineer and a technical assistant.
The mifhysto Platform
The MIFHySTO (micro-manufacturing for the miniaturisation, functionalisation and hybridisation of micro-technical systems and tooling) platform places a pooled technological resources centre in the area of micro-manufacturing at the disposal of its partner establishments and their personnel.
This platform’s mission is to provide experimentation support for research, teaching and development.