Technological ressources

Unique facilities in the world of french universities

The technological resources proposed by SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM are at the cutting edge of university mechanical micro-manufacturing in France.

The mechanical micro-manufacturing workshop

Used for practicals and creating prototypes in the framework of projects for the partnership platform or projects for the third year option, this workshop is dedicated to teaching and student projects.

Once they have been validated by the supervisor, the projects are accomplished by the students, backed up by an assistant-engineer and a technician.

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The MIFHYSTO platform

The MIFHySTO (micromanufacturing for the miniaturisation, functionalisation and hybridisation of micro-technical systems and tooling) platform is an outstanding facility in the area of micro-manufacturing. It places a pooled technological resource centre at the disposal of partner establishments and their personnel.

MIFHySTHO in fact constitutes an experimentation tool for research, teaching and development.

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